Приложение 5. Список привилегий

Таблица 1. Описание привилегий
Идентификатор привилегии Имя
100000 Token info
100001 Federation overview
100002 Task
100003 Role list
100004 Privilege list
100005 Role privilege list
100006 Group roles
100007 Group privileges
100008 Group list
100009 Get auth providers
110000 Grant
110001 Revoke
130000 Set active directory config
130001 Get active directory config
130002 Set auth provider
200000 Cluster overview
200001 Cluster totals
200002 Get status map
210000 Cluster management
220000 Cluster node management
230000 Cluster service management
300000 Retreive list of vDCs
300001 Retreive list of Nets for vDC
300002 vDC roles
300003 vDC privileges
310000 vDC creation
310001 Set vdc-network address limit
310002 vDC network assignment
310003 VDC Modification
315001 vDC network deassignment
400000 Retreive list of Nets
410000 Net creation
410001 Get usage ippool addresses
410002 Get free ippool addresses
415000 Net removal
500000 Retreive list of VMs
510000 VM creation
510001 VM start
510002 VM restart
510003 VM stop
510004 VM console access
510005 VM statuses
510006 VM profiles
510007 VM boot media list
510008 VM history
510009 VM Ratelimit disk
510010 VM cpu priority
510011 VM snapshot
510012 VM snapshot list
510013 VM rollback
510014 VM snapshot remove
510015 VM perfdata
510016 VM billing
510017 VM suspend
510018 VM resume
510019 VM balloon
510020 VM import area list
510021 VM vcpu class
510022 VM set
510023 VM get
510024 VM change vDC
510025 VM add nic
510026 VM remove nic
510027 VM ratelimit nic
510028 VM disk set label
510029 VM remove disk
510030 VM disk resize
510031 VM add disk
515000 VM removal
600000 Edge list
600001 Edge get
600002 Edge list rules
600003 Edge deploy rules
600004 Edge get pfloggs
610000 Edge creation
610001 Edge start
610002 Edge stop
610003 Edge restart
610004 Edge set rate limit
610005 Edge add nat rule
610006 Edge add fw rule
610007 Edge add nic
615000 Edge remove
615001 Edge remove nat rule
615002 Edge remove fw rule
615003 Edge remove nic
700000 Filesystems get
710000 Filesystems set
800000 Node hw list
800001 Node cpu cores
800002 Node config map
800003 Node config get
810000 Node inventory
810001 Node config set
810002 Node software
810003 Node software inventory
810005 Portgroup List
900000 Pool map
900001 Pool map by guid
900002 VMs suspend pool
900003 VMs resume pool
900004 Pools list
900005 Pools get
900006 PD list
900007 PD led
900008 PD status map
2000000 User list
2000002 User roles
2000003 User privileges
2000004 User get
2010000 User set
2010001 User create
2010002 User set password
2010003 User delete